Job hunting tips

Keep your spirits up by:

making sure you are still doing the things that relax you and make you happy such as exercise, spending time with friends and enjoying hobbies and interests.
taking time to dream. To offset some of the negative thoughts and feelings that may creep in when you've been job searching for a while, spend some time thinking about the future you would like to create for yourself.
joining a support group. Contact career advisors in private business, educational institutions and community organisations and ask for leads to support groups that can help you maintain a positive attitude.
setting up a positive support system. Talk to your family and friends and let them know what they can do. Work out who is prepared to support you and let them know what they can do to help. For example, you may need feedback on a cover letter, an opinion on interview clothes, childcare or just someone to talk to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful tips for any body.
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